Making space for discovery

What do you want to discover?


Your leadership

Consulting and teaching

Francois and Joy have close to 50 years combined experience in developing leaders to use wisdom and compassion with themselves and those they lead.

We work with you to design customized content, training, and facilitation for your team or company. We work anywhere (currently only Zoom) to maximize the growth environment.

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Your next right thing


Maybe you are busy with ideas and wonderings that cross your mind - and you just need to set aside some time to imagine what you can do to bring your dreams to life.

Maybe you are feeling stuck because what is in front of you is too big or intimidating to see past.

Maybe you are in between work or transitioning life stages and you want to articulate your evolving values and who you are becoming. Coaching might be your next right step.

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The world

Adventure travel with a purpose

Joy and Francois love taking people on adventures and sharing new places and cultures with people. They’ve been at it since 1992.

Whether it is a spiritual pilgrimage, a leadership focus, or studying the history and culture of a region, you are bound to make a life-long memory on one of our excursions.

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